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25022017, E  
A video of the installation, 7 min. 2018
The text of the installation, 2018


Trying out to make a picture with sound. 

Singing the vowel E.

Painting the printing plates with eyes closed. 

Printing the plates into one picture.

Coincidence brings forth the spaces in a layered monoprint.

First print remains unfinished.


Beginning with tuning the body and meditating.

The sung vowel A resonates in the chest,
the vowel U in the cheeks.

Making prints from both of these vowels.

Gaining experience of how the colors reproduce

the movements of bare hands. 

The method is born how to make images

about the quality of the invisible

together, in the meditating state of mind.


New discovery.

The shared meditation synchronizes the nature of the presence.

Through the discussion arises the theme of the moment.

The vowel O, its heavy and slow movement and dark reddish tints

are accepted as the starting point of the painting improvisation.

The method evolves.




At the beginning there are reoccurring thoughts,

there is pressure to succeed:

”Are we in the moment?”

The meditation makes calm. 

It continues on, following the drawing hand and

the free drift of the line.

The rustling of the pencil on paper. 

The sketch of the image is created.


The firm strength of the experience,

in the mutual presence.

Painter 1: The movement feels emerging outwards,

from the middle torso and back to the centre.

Painter 2: The movement is like the waves surfing to the shore, 

outwards from the body, upwards in the picture.

The vowel O quiets down, the U is opening softly.

Creating two prints.

Warm brown and orange colours,

first on white paper, the second on blue background.




The first weekday of the year. 

After a long break the work goes on confident, relying that

the theme will grow up from the moment.

Singing AUM today.

Even though accustomed to the method,

new issues emerge at every turn. 

Exploring moments of eternity, in eternity.

The monoprints, 2017—
A 250317.jpg
A 25032017

monoprint, 67,2 x 42,5  cm

U 25032017.jpg
U 25032017

monoprint, 42,5 x 67,4 cm  

O 260317.jpg
O 26032017 

monoprint, 66 x 42,3 cm 

OU I 141017.jpg
OU I  15102017

monoprint, 67,5 x 43,4 cm

OU II 141017 2,30M.jpg
OU II  15102017

monoprint, 90,5 x 35,7 cm

AUM 02012018

monoprint, 91 x 35,4 cm

O OE 05082018.jpg
O OE 05082018

monoprint, 79 x 51,5 cm

Ö 0610208.jpg
Ö 06102018

monoprint, 67,3 x 42,5cm

O kaiku 26032017 ME 07102018.jpg
O echo 26032017 - ME 07102018

monoprint, 41,3 x 67,3 cm

IY 18102018 I.jpg
IY I  18102018 

monoprint, 52 x 80,3 cm

A AU 04082018 I UA 10112018 III.jpg
A AU I 04082018 - UA III 10112018 

monoprint, 51,5 x 79,5 cm

UA 10112018.jpg
UA I 10112018

monoprint, 76,5 x 71 cm

AUM 17102017 N 15122018.jpg
AUM 17102017 - N 15122018

monoprint, 90,7 x 35,1 cm

ME 07102018 N 15122018.jpg
ME 07102018 - N 15122018

monoprint, 67 x 42,6 cm

O kaiku 17062020.jpg
O echo 17062020

monoprint, 66,2 x 42 cm

AI 11102020.jpg
AI 11102020

monoprint, 78 x 53 cm

ÄIE 12102020.jpg
ÄIE 12102020

monoprint, 78 x 53 cm

MO kaiku 01082020_A 01012021.jpg
MO echo 01082020 - A 01012021

monoprint, 55 x 38,5 cm

O 02082020 I.jpg
O I 02082020

monoprint, 90 x 56 cm

A 01012021.jpg
A 01012021

monoprint, 67 x 42 cm

E IV 05082021_web.jpg
E 05082021 IV 

monoprint, 42,5 x 67,3 cm

O 15122018_AE 02012021 web.jpg
O 15122018 - AE 02012021

monoprint, 56,3 x 39,5 cm

AO 04082021_web.jpg
AO 04082021

monoprint, 53,8, x 78 cm

O 15122018 _ AE 01012021 _ A 05012022_web.jpg
O 15122018 - AE 01012021
- A 05012022

monoprint, 79,3 x 51,4 cm

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