Serene Joy installation, five chant pictures, Lapua Art Museum

The multi-art work Serene Joy tells about an inner experience. In the sound installation, the monotype graphics of the Oodidoo group play a silent prayer song. The five pictures are digital prints from original monoprints that were created communally in vocal meditation. The images also act as speakers in the work's sound reproduction system.
The work was made for the 50th anniversary exhibition of the Lapua artists' association Bridge Builders. The exhibition was on display at the Lapua Art Museum at the turn of the year 2021—2022. The piece was realized in collaboration with the vocal group Vox Silentii (Hilkka-Liisa Vuori, Johanna Korhonen). In addition, Petri Loues, a light and sound artist, and Antti Hintsa, a photo artist, have been involved in the production of the installation.
Names and duration of chant pictures from left to right:
O OU - Eternal, 1:45 min
O OE - Longing, 1:43 min
A AU - Consolation, 2:04 min
A - Beginning, 1:43 min
AUM - Source, 1:45 min